Monday 15 April 2013

I paid a wonderful prize for FAME – Lancelot Imasuen on Solomon Akiyesi’s sham Wedding

Kiyo: Coming on the heels of Saturday show of shame, the media and social networks are inundated with all manner of vituperations and backlash, noticeably are some not too good comments targeted at Solomon Akiyesi’s colleague, Lancelot Imasuen who was also at the wedding. However, Lancelot in a bid to defend his presence said he was just an invited guest not the wedding planner. “For sure many are the affliction of the righteous ,,,,,but God delivers him from them all, see how I pay a wonderful prize for FAME, an invited guest to a wedding suddenly becomes the chief wedding planner,,,” he said.
In a related development, Akiyesi has deactivated his facebook account; like they say ‘if you can’t take the heat, don’t go near the kitchen’

Filo: …many are the affliction of the righteous. Well said Lancelot, but if Jesus did not support the wedding at Cana, am sure he would not be there.

Lancelot Imasuen's response

What use to be Solomon Akiyesi's facebook profile

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