Sunday 7 April 2013

I handed the Ministry to someone else – Queen Ure, Soul E’s ex wife

Kiyo: In a recent interview by Punch Newspaper, Queen was asked if she was still a Pastor. Her response “No, I am no longer a pastor. But that doesn’t take away the fact that I still reach out. Ministry is all about reaching out, whether you are on the pulpit, whether you are singing, as long as you are reaching out”
She continued, “I am not a pastor any more so the congregation is no longer there. I was away most of the time in 2011, and I handed the ministry to someone else. You know how it is, if it is not the founder, it is really not the founder. There were some challenges and they couldn’t continue. When I returned, I knew it wasn’t something I wanted to continue and I decided to let it be and move into my music career...”

Filo: You said it all girl ‘if it is not the founder, it is really not the founder’. I never knew one could quit and handover a church like that or was it part of the ministerial calling?

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