
Thursday 9 January 2014

Naomi Oni Poured Acid On Herself to Gain Fame –– Mary Konye

Naomi Oni Poured Acid On Herself to Gain Fame –– Mary Konye

A woman threw sulphuric acid on herself in order to gain fame and fortune, the friend accused of carrying out the attack has claimed.
Naomi Oni, 21, who was disfigured for life in the brutal attack, was forced to deny in court that she asked friend Mary Konye, also 21, to "play the stalker" and throw acid on her.
Ms Oni, who has been left disfigured for life by the attack, denied the claims made by Konye's lawyer at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
But the defence claimed it was all part of her plan to become rich and famous, the Daily Mail reported.
Ms Oni told the court she was not obsessed with plastic surgery or with Katy Piper, who was also the victim of an acid attack, despite her laptop internet history suggesting otherwise.

But Defence barrister Sally O'Neill said Ms Oni created the plan with Konye to pour acid over herself to improve her future prospects.
Ms Oni was also asked why she had visited plastic surgery sites and accused her of being obsessed with Ms Piper.
But she told the court she had only visited such websites because she didn't think she was very pretty, but there was no particular reason why.
She also denied throwing acid over her own face in a bid to become part of the celebrity world.
However Ms Oni did admit to deleting her internet search history before police came to get her laptop because she didn't want them going through her personal data.

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