
Thursday 2 January 2014

Gunmen Kidnap Six-year-old Son of Ex-Commissioner in Bayelsa

A six-year-old son of a former Commissioner in Bayelsa state, Chief Godknows Powell, was on Wednesday kidnapped by gunmen.
The boy was kidnapped on Etegwe road, Yenagoa, in the early hours of the new year, while returning from church service.
According to NAN, the victim was in the company of his mother when the gunmen accosted them at about 12.45 pm and whisked him away.
A relation of the family confirmed the incident and said the abduction of the boy had thrown the family into despair.
“We are supposed to be celebrating the New Year, but we are now in a pathetic mood. We pray that the boy is safe,” the source said.
The kidnappers are yet to establish contact with the family.

The Bayelsa Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Alex Akhigbe, confirmed the incident, but said he had not received its full details.
“I got information about the incident this afternoon and I quickly called the Police Divisional Officer in Ekeki area who confirmed the kidnapping.
“Right now, I am yet to get full details of the incident, but the police have commenced investigation into the matter,” Akhigbe said.

Powell was a one-time Chairman of Yenagoa Local Government Area before he was appointed Commissioner for Local Government and Community Development during the administration of former Gov. Timipre Sylva.

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