
Friday 27 December 2013

Timaya still sees me as a threat – Oritse Femi

Oritsefemi Majemite, simply known as Oritse Femi, in a recent interview with Vanguard, talks about his journey from the shanty settlements of Ajegunle to limelight; and how Timaya sees him as a threat.


If you hadn’t hit the limelight would you have still remained in Ajegunle full time?
I will move to anywhere in the world. Like I said earlier on, the world is like a circle you must learn how to move around but ‘Aje’ is still my hood and I still have a belief in it.

What inspired ‘Mercies of Da Lord’?
I was born and brought up in the ways of the Lord but because of worldly things, I derailed. But my mum, who is highly religious and Godly, brought it back. There was a low time in my life when I felt so depressed but my mum with her inspiration woke the spirit of God back in me. I was so filled with the spirit to the extent I never thought possible.

So, that was how the inspiration came out. Actually, that song was the last song I did in my album, I was supposed to round up my album, I’ve already rounded up the album; I just need an intro into the album. But when the producer, Ben Droze heard the intro, he said what I just dropped can be a track, so we now completed it, making it a full track.

As the only surviving musician doing this genre of music, what are you doing to support other ones?
Yeah! I’ve heard so much about that and what I believe is that, we are all players in one position or the other. For instance in a football match, we have everyone playing different wings, so everyone must be noticed in his or her own position. Even if I am playing the defence role, I will try my possible best to be noticed. So, that’s why I keep holding that place that I am.

Already, I don’t want to mention names. But talking about Timaya, he is a good friend and right from time, Timaya has always seen me as a competitor. You know sometimes, someone can be your friend and still feels you are the only problem he has. The last time that I called him that we should do a song together, he said we are going to do it but he kept postponing it because he sees me as a threat. He doesn’t want a situation whereby people will be comparing us.  Timaya is a good artiste and he has his own energy and he keeps doing what he knows how to do best but to me, I don’t see him as a challenger. I can compete with any artiste in the world.

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