
Tuesday 19 November 2013

I’ve slept with over 200 ladies including gospel artistes — Ghanaian Gospel Musician Confesses

I’ve slept with over 200 ladies—Ghanaian Gospel Musician Confesses

Morris D’Voice, formerly known as Morris Babyface who was once a secular musician and was arrested by the Holy Spirit revealed how he lived his life when he was sinner.
In his confession, Marx Morris Twumasi said he has slept with over 200 ladies but cannot recall the exact number yet he is certain that they exceed 200.
Among these ladies he has gone to bed with include many gospel musicians but he hurriedly debunked the rumor that he was in a hot romance with popular gospel musician Esther Smith.
“I never did anything with Esther Smith or dated her as people were saying. She was older than me and I respected her very well. We lived in the same area (Estate) too so we often saw ourselves most of the times”

“I think people started speculating that I had something doing with Esther because everybody knew me to be a bad boy so seeing me with her often, they thought she was one of my numerous girls but let me say it here that Esther and I did nothing apart from being friends and music” he added.
Morris who is now a stout Christian in his revelation divulged how he turned his back to the world and added that it came to a time he nearly lost his life.
“A friend took me to his pastor and he (pastor) said God brought me there but not by my will and he told me God will use me to save many lives. I prayed to God to let me see a sign of wonders to prove that he really sent me to the pastor and what he said was true. In my dream on that very day, I saw Jesus. My friend who took me to the pastor also came to say same dream I had. It wasn’t easy leaving my old life because at times after fasting from six to six, a lady will call you and say Morris I’ve missed you should I come and what else can i say than yes.”
“I woke up one day and when I turned, I saw my body lying down. I looked at it for some time and fortunately for me, I didn’t walk off my bed else I would have been dead by now. I laid back into the body which was lying dormant and later realized I’m back to life” he added.
He also revealed that there are many false prophets in this country and pleaded with Christians to be wary of them because it’s difficult to see one.
“As a musician and instrumentalist, I’ve been to many places that even some pastors have not been before. I’ve met with many pastors and I’ve seen that many are not real. The few that are sent by God can’t be noticed by God’s people”


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