
Friday 18 October 2013

Pastor Marvin Winans Refuses to Dedicate Children Born Out of Wedlock [VIDEO]

Pastor Marvin Winans Refuses to Dedicate Children Born Out of Wedlock
Charity Grace lives on the east side of the city with her 2-year-old son, Joshua. The two recently started to attend Perfecting Church under the leadership of Pastor Marvin Winans.
On Sunday, a special blessing is planned at the church on East Nevada Street. They are having a dedication service for children two years old and under. Grace was looking forward to having her only child receive this blessing.
"I want to instill values and morals in my son based upon the word of God," said Grace.
She called the church on Tuesday to make arrangements. "I told them I was not married and that's where everything just broke loose."
Grace says she spoke with a woman who told her Pastor Winans' policy is that he is not to bless children of unwed mothers in front of his congregation.
"I've never felt so degraded and disrespected in my life," said Grace.
Check out the clip below and tell us what you think.

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