
Thursday 3 October 2013

Makosi Blasts Joy Bewaji – You neglected your job, so you can swindle a Non-Nigerian

Makosi Blasts Joy Bewaji – You neglected your job, so you can swindle a Non-Nigerian

Last week, publicist and writer Joy Bewaji went on a twitter tirade to lash at her client, Makosi Musambasi for publishing her material without her consent. {See the gist here}
Makosi, a Zimbabwean and a former Big Brother UK star has reacted to Joy’s tweet – she stated that Joy’s claims is ‘malicious and vindictive’ – that the new book, “Self Love: The Ultimate Choice” was not the book she contracted Bewaji to ghost-write for her
A ghostwriter is a writer who writes books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts that are officially credited to another person.
In a statement issued by a lawyer representing Makosi, Joy was alleged to have received the sum of $9,200 at one point, $1,500 at another and $2,100 (totalling $12,800) to ghost-write the book.

The lawyer claimed that a problem erupted when Bewaji realised who Makosi was after scouring the internet and she decided to ask for more money. “Joy requested for an additional $19,300 to ghost write this book,” she said.
Makosi requested that the contract be terminated and Bewaji refund her money but the Nigerian refused claiming she had already started the job and invested a lot in the process. Makosi is said to have proceeded to focus her energy on compiling the book “with some influence from her journal.”
“I want this to be properly noted that “Self-Love: The ultimate choice” is NOT the book my client initially contracted Joy Bewaji to ghost-write for her. So clearly, there is either a misunderstanding, jealous rift or a cheap attempt at blackmail and a clearly fraudulent plot to swindle a non-Nigerian.”
“On September 21, 2013 my client was contacted about receiving twitter messages from Joy Bewaji, with the spurious allegation that Makosi stole her material for the book and hour’s later blogs in Nigeria had done a story that brought to light the falsity that was Joy’s accusation,” the lawyer said.
“Joy went further to write all sorts of negative stories about my client Makosi Musambasi. Although she has since taken down the tweets, she made unsuccessful attempts to contact my client through third parties, asking to negotiate in a bizarre bid to blackmail her.

“What Joy Bewaji fails to comprehend is that she communicated mostly via email messages with my client and we have documented evidence against her and more importantly she was paid to do a job she totally neglected and worse still failed to make a refund,” the lawyer added.

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