
Monday 30 September 2013

I’m a son of God, not a man of God – King Sunny Ade

King Sunny Ade (KSA) was at his best last week when he engaged Tade Makinde and Segun Adebayo in an interactive session. He talked about life, what he still wants from it at 67, his pains about Nigeria and new calling, among other issues. Excerpts:

Before now, we’ve heard about your plans to dump secular music for full time gospel ministry. Could you tell us more about this plan of yours?
From the beginning of my life, I have been in the Christianity realm. If you listen to my songs very well, you will discover that 90 per cent of my songs have been about giving praises to God. I have always been closer to the Most High, but many have refused to see it that way.
How long have you been born again, so to say?
I think it is wrong for people to say that I am just getting born again now because I had been born again a very long time ago. It is a pity that people don’t know that I am not the type that makes noise about what I am doing. It remains between God and I whether I am born again or not. How do you want to know whether I am born again? Will it be when I start shouting at every occasion or when I say it in a church? This is not something that should be made public. It is supposed to be between you and God.
Then, why are you making it public now?
Recently, I looked at myself and all what God has done for me over the years and I began to count my blessings. It got to a point that I couldn’t count how much God has blessed me. So, I decided to re-dedicate my life to Christ at the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Why the choice of Redeemed and not the orthodox church where you were born?
What’s wrong with the Redeemed? One thing I want to let you understand is that it doesn’t matter which church you worship. God is one. The church does not count as far as I am concerned. In as much as you are convinced within yourself that the spirit of God dwells in the church, my brother, you can worship there, and anywhere. At the end of the day, God is not going to ask you where you worshipped. Does God care about your church? No.

Evangelist Bola Are said that she heard from God that she should deliver a message to you about God’s calling upon your life. Before she met you to deliver this message, was there any sign to you that something like that was going to happen?
I thank God that people like Mama Bola Are could come out to say something like that had happened. Truth is, she is not the only one to have brought message from God to me, I have heard a lot of people say the same thing over the years. I don’t believe anybody can say God said you should become this or that. These people can only guide you. For instance, if I send you to the world so that you would know how many people are praying for me, or are hearing words from God on my behalf, I am sure that we won’t complete that exercise for the next one year. So, Mama is only expressing her happiness, her joy, to have finally seen me in this position today, worshipping in my own church. I have been active in the work of God for many years and I am not planning to be a pastor, but if God calls me to be anything, I will surely follow Him. The fact still remains that I am yet to hear from God on what step I should take next. People can only tell you things, do this or do that, but you have to be careful and listen to God to guide you through.

But people are already seeing you as a Pastor. Do you see yourself as one?
You can’t just call yourself a man of God. There must be a very strong covenant between you and God before you can claim that you are a man of God. I don’t see myself like that, but if people call me a man of God, it means I have to be very careful because I have not heard from God. All I know is that I am a son of God, not yet a man of God.

You are about to step into that spiritual realm with this new development, how prepared are you for this new challenge?
I have always been a spiritual person and I have been surviving as a spiritual person since I was born.


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