
Wednesday 11 September 2013

90 Nigerians repatriated from Tunisia

Ninety Nigerians, including two babies, who were stranded in many parts of Tunisia, were early Tuesday morning repatriated into the country.
They were, around 10’clock on Tuesday received at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos by the South-West Zonal coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency, Iyiola Akande, who represented the Director-General, Alhaji Muhammed Sani-Sidi.
The returnees consisted of two infants, five months and fourteen months old, 12 teenagers, 13 young women and 61 young men.
Seventy-seven of them came from Edo State, eight from Delta State, three from Imo and Lagos State, while Kano and Plateau had two and one, respectively.

NEMA enjoined the returnees and other youths in the country to desist from acts capable of negatively affecting their future by their quest for greener pastures.
NEMA’s Director General, while admonishing them, pointed out that “there is no nation that is not passing through hard times,” and therefore, stressed the need for the citizens to join hands with government toward overcoming difficult.
Sani-Sidi stressed that instead of exposing their precious lives on the non-existing opportunities, they should endeavour to use their energy, strength and God-given talents to harness Nigeria bounties.

The returnees arrived Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Nigeria at 12:32 a.m. on September 10, against the earlier scheduled time of 3:05 p.m. on September 9, with Nouvel Air A320-214 177Y.

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