
Saturday 13 July 2013

My life as a single mother -Tolani Oshirin

My life as a single mother -Tolani Oshirin

Abiodun Sofuyi Okeowo (also known as ‘Tolani Oshirin’) is barely seven years in the Nigerian movie industry, but she has become a household name in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood. She spoke with AJIBADE ALABI on a number of issues. Excerpts

Where and how did you join the movie industry?
I started with Ray Eyiwunmi Organisation. The group consisted of Lasun Ray, Muka Ray and Murphy Ray. I joined the group in February 2006, and became like an apprentice learning from them. After some years, I could stand on my own, and I produced my own first movie in 2007. It was entitled Tolani Osinrin.

What prompted you to go into acting?
Acting is inborn. My dad used to be in the Awarawa Theatre Group with Jide Kosoko and the likes of them. When I was in primary school, we used to bring out our desks to start acting.

Sometime ago when some of my classmates saw me, they were like

‘oh, Abiodun, so you finally became an actress?’ It was a desire that I grew up with.

Since you joined the industry, how many movies have you starred in?
I have lost count, but I’m sure it is close to 50

Tell us some of them.
I produced five myself – Tolani Osinrin, Okanjua, Oke Irapada, Asise nla and Edidi Igbeyawo; and I have featured in Lagos to Benin, Uncle Adisa, Opin-Irin ajo, Ohun Buruku, Aso tuntun, Boseyemi, Temiyemi by Bimbo Oshin, Taloye. I’ve lost count.

Which one of then do you think brought you into stardom?
I would say that Tolani Osinrin, my first production, shot me into limelight. All along I had been featuring in two scenes, three scenes and so on, but when I did Tolani Osinrin, the name stuck, and people started asking ‘who is this Tolani girl?’ So, the name went a long way before my face registered on people’s minds.

What was the most challenging role you ever took in a movie?
I’m yet to really see a very challenging role, but right now I would give it to Aso Tuntun, because in the movie, I had to run seriously, and because of my stature (plump ) it was difficult for me to run. I am not that slim and free to roll, but because I’m an actress, I just had to do it. But my best is yet to come; I’ve not been challenged the way I really want.

Have you ever been sexually harassed before getting a role?
No, because I came in through the right channel, where we were not allowed to go to location without the guidance of our Oga (boss). By the time I started going to locations, I was already a producer and a known face; so, it never happened to me.

If we peep into your wardrobe, what kind of dresses are we going to see most?
I love bum shorts a lot.

What is your favourite perfume?
I love Prada and Gucci.

Favourite colours?
I love flashy colours. I love fuchsia pink, yellow, and blue

Who is your role model in the Nigerian movie industry?
I love Bukky Wright, Joke Silva, Fathia Balogun, Shola Shobowale.

What has been your most embarrassing moment on set?
It was between me and Lasun Ray. I was acting as a nurse in the movie and instead of facing the camera, I was backing it. At that point, he (Lasun Ray) had to scold me and I cried because I was not used to the system at that time. I felt like ‘It’s me they are insulting publicly like this?’ But along the line, I got to realise that is how the industry is. For you to be good, you have to be scolded and corrected. I later played the part in the movie and when the film came out, I appreciated the scolding.

Most embarrassing moment with fans?
I was trekking on the street and I saw three ladies coming towards me. Two of them were like ‘oh, see Tolani Osinrin. They were coming towards me to greet me while the third one was like ‘Who is Tolani Osinrin? She just drew them back and said ‘come on, let’s go’. At that point, I was rooted to the spot. I was so embarrassed.

Do you play romantic roles?

How far can you go (playing romantic roles)?
I can go as far as I’m not going to act dirty, because my children are going to watch my movie.

How do you cope as a single mother and an actress?
I will give it to my mother; she is a very caring, loving mother. She takes care of my children when I’m not around.

How did you meet the father of your children?
We met in church

What is the craziest thing a man has ever said to you?
Let me just say it the way he said it: ‘This your hip go kill person o’ (laughs)

Tell us someone you admire and would like to meet, if you’ve never met them.
Olu Jacobs and Joke Silva. Actually, Olu Jacobs featured in Opin Irin ajo (Part 1) but then it was in Part 2 that I featured, because that was when I joined the Lasun Eyiwunmi group. So, I never had the opportunity to meet him.

How do you spend your leisure?
I am a homely person. I stay at home, watch movies, and then take my kids out.

Apart from acting, what else do you do?
Presently, nothing; but I’m planning to go into business very soon

What sort of business?
I am planning to go into clothing and jewellery

What’s the most treasured thing we will find in your wardrobe?
That should be my hymn book and my Bible.

If you had an opportunity to change something about yourself, what would it be?
I would like to have a full neck (laughs) and a bolder face.

There have been instances when marketers fail to pay movie producers. What can you say about this?
I wouldn’t say it is 100 per cent the fault of the marketers; I believe it is the economy generally. Let’s take for instance, I am a baker, I bought flour and baked my bread. Let’s assume I baked 100 and out of the 100, I sold just 50. How do I recoup the money I used to purchase flour? I think it is the same thing that is happening in the movie industry. The economy is very bad. If a marketer prints 10,000 copies, and he is unable to sell more than 3,000 copies, how is he going to pay the producer? But if you are not close to them to hear from the horse’s mouth, every one of us will be blaming them for owing us. Though there are some of them that are born debtors, but for some, it is just due to circumstances and the economy. That is why we are begging the government to come to our aid.

In the space of five years you have been able to produce six movies. How have you been financing your production?
I got a sponsor for the first one. Thereafter, I became a commercial actress, so I don’t use my 10 fingers to eat.

What should we expect of you in the next five years?
Olorun lo ni dede (man proposes, God disposes). I just pray to God that He should put me where I would love so much.

Are you working on something right now?
Not really; I want to take my time, do my homework well, do more researches and come out with something good, a better movie than the five I had produced all together. Of course, I’m shooting another movie. I will be on location on Friday, but I don’t know the title yet.

What would be your comments about Yoruba Nollywood today?
We’re improving technically, and the artistes too are improving.

What can you say about the issue of piracy?
I just pray that God should come to our rescue. In fact, everybody is trying their best. The actors, the actresses and the marketers are trying to curb it. Government should come to our rescue. If government can come to our rescue, we’ll reduce the number of films coming out.

How is your relationship with the father of your kids?
Its okay; very cordial. We talk when it’s necessary. He also talks with the kid when necessary.

So, are you saying you are through with the father of your kids now?
Yes, I am through with him.

Do you still believe in love?
I will not kill myself. Would I say because somebody disappointed me, then I will recoil into my shell? No! Life continues. You know this is the first time I will be granting an interview that I am no more with him. I have been covering it up all this while. But I just thought about everything; since he is married, I should let people know that I am no more with him.

If he decides to come back, will you allow him?
I don’t think so.

As a producer, how and where do you get your inspiration?
I get inspiration from things happening around me.

What is your advice for the up-and-coming ones?
I’d say they should be determined. They should not come into the industry with the aim of dating an actor or any producer or a star to make it. They should have the spirit of perseverance and they should be extremely humble.

How will you describe your personality?
I’m an introvert. I don’t keep grudges.

Source: Tribune

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