
Thursday 20 June 2013

PHOTOS: Pastor Kumuyi’s Son John Kumuyi Marries His Heartthrob

PHOTOS: Pastor Kumuyi’s Son John Kumuyi Marries His Heartthrob

John Kumuyi, the second son of Pastor William Kumuyi, took his heartthrob to the altar. The joyful ceremony was held on Saturday, 15 June at the Deeper Life Bible Church, after the traditional wedding.
John Kumuyi married Miss Love Odih, who is said to be the daughter of the National Overseer of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry in Jamaica and former State Overseer of the church in Cross River State, Nigeria.
Pastor Kumuyi, who wore an ash suit, attended the engagement and church wedding with his wife Esther, who wore traditional attire. The bridegroom wore a grey suit, while the bride was decked in flowing white gown with a veil to match.
John sauntered out of the church with his now-wife after the cleric had taken them through marital vows. A huge cake was cut during the wedding by the new couple.
Earlier during the traditional wedding, the bride wore native while the groom was simply decked in English wear.



  1. Within the next decade, I don't know how things will look like as touching dressing, comportment and christian modesty in Deeper life, but all member all member should know that everybody will stand to account for himself, so, always do the right and not copy.

  2. We trust that the Lord will see us through this temptation period. We must not relent in our prayer. Instead of criticizing, lets us pray that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. We know what we have stood for all these years. The way we are travelling is too narrow we cannot turn around. The devil may want to erode our distinctiveness so that he may gain access to us but he is a liar. Lets intensify our prayers for our leaders who have forsaking all prevelages for the sake of the gospel that their hands will not grow weak to the extend of allowing little foxes into the vineyard of the Lord.
    The Lord will uphold His church. Our members should not feel cheated for that is another ploy by the enemy of our souls to cheat us out of our heritage let see this through our spiritual eyes and look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. We will overcome
    We have no better place to run to.
    With your prayers and my prayer God will cleanse his church

  3. We trust that the Lord will see us through this temptation period. We must not relent in our prayer. Instead of criticizing, lets us pray that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. We know what we have stood for all these years. The way we are travelling is too narrow we cannot turn around. The devil may want to erode our distinctiveness so that he may gain access to us but he is a liar. Lets intensify our prayers for our leaders who have forsaking all prevelages for the sake of the gospel that their hands will not grow weak to the extend of allowing little foxes into the vineyard of the Lord.
    The Lord will uphold His church. Our members should not feel cheated for that is another ploy by the enemy of our souls to cheat us out of our heritage let see this through our spiritual eyes and look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. We will overcome
    We have no better place to run to.
    With your prayers and my prayer God will cleanse his church


    But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:36 KJV)

    But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. (1 Peter 4:15 KJV)
    - Ibikunle Farajimakin
    What is this ‘posting’ and ‘sharing’ of John’s wedding pictures all about? To you who either posted or shared, what was your motive? What message were you trying to pass across. Is that your own message of the cross? Is that the mandate that Christ gave you? A lot of tracts bearing the message of salvation are lying all about with no one to post on FB. So also are posters and handbills for church programmes. Only a few post these. But you have all the time in the world to post pictures and pass unguarded comments. What has caused others serious heartbreak is what you are busy jesting about. Until now I never knew that John was and is the Messiah of many (or why would he suddenly become the object of both national and international discussion); neither did I know that he was the author and finisher of the faith of a lot of professing believers.

    Now you point accusing fingers and spite the message of the man of God on worldliness. While you are busy focusing on John, your own spirituality is depreciating by the seconds... Why will you go to hell because of another man’s mistake. Don’t you think that will be your greatest undoing? Friend, away with all the frivolities, carnalities and sensualities on FB. If your page is not promoting Christ and extending the frontiers of His coming kingdom, you had better deactivate it. Resign from the league of shallow-minded critics and enrol in the school of prayer. If you feel you don’t need prayers, then pray for others. There are millions of people in the world who need prayers, myself inclusive. Christ will soon come. If he meets you gossiping and backbiting, I’m sure He will not smile and say “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Of course, there is freedom of speech but it is not freedom to run off at the mouth. Stay at your duty post (that is, if you have one) and stop meddling in other men’s affair. If you can’t help to ameliorate the matter, then don’t worsen it. And for you whose exalted position is that of gossiping, backbiting and slandering, and who don’t have any work to do for Christ, I urge you to find one and do it faithfully.
    Then for you who are yet to marry, we will wait till your wedding day to see the ‘wonders’ you will perform. I’m sure you will like to make headlines, not only in the best and widely-read newspapers here on earth but also in hell!
    Praying or gossiping? Rewards sure abound for both, but in different places.
    A word, they say, is enough for the wise. (Beckie Gabriel)
