
Monday 24 June 2013

Australian mother Taryn Brumfitt gathers international applause for nude post-pregnancy pictures

Australian mother Taryn Brumfitt gathers international applause for nude post-pregnancy pictures

An Adelaide (capital city of South Australia) mother whose nude post-pregnancy pictures gained international attention says her campaign to tackle negative body image has only just begun.
Taryn Brumfitt, of Cumberland Park, will look to launch body - image workshops in the coming months to help women feel more confident in themselves.
Earlier this year, she posted untouched pictures of herself to show that women should be proud of their bodies.
Within a matter of hours, the pictures went viral, scoring thousands of likes and shares on social media.
The 35-year-old said the international reaction to the pictures was surprising.
"I put it on Facebook and I just watched the numbers just ticking over within just seconds of putting it up," Mrs Brumfitt said.
"It had 3.6 million views and then from there I was on the Today Show, Channel 9 news, and in New Zealand and American (news)."

Australian mother Taryn Brumfitt gathers international applause for nude post-pregnancy pictures

Despite having more than 16,000 followers on Facebook, founding The Body Image Movement website in November and posting the photos in April, Mrs Brumfitt said she still had a long way to go in changing people's perceptions of their bodies.
"We only ever see the one type of body celebrated in the media and advertising," she said.
"You don't see any bodies that may have stretch marks and we don't see that celebrated.  "That's what most women look like and we can be sexy, confident women in our evolving bodies.  "I am one woman who is trying to change the world and I need women to jump on the movement."
Mrs Brumfitt was inspired to start her body image campaign while watching her daughter Mikaela, 3, play.
"I had my own body image issues and I almost had surgery to fix up my boobs and tummy," she said. "I had an epiphany as I was watching her play.
"The thought came into my head, 'how am I going to have surgery and teach her love the parts of her body (and) to love her body unconditionally?'
"I wanted to be a positive role model."

Source: Theaustralian

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