
Saturday 4 May 2013

Hollywood star Will Smith eyes comedy with son

Will Smith and son, Jaden Smith to stare in new comedy
Will ad son, Jaden

Filo: Hollywood star Will Smith said Friday that he will probably shoot a comedy with his son Jaden when they team up for the third time in film-making.
Smith, who arrived in Taiwan on Thursday on a promotional tour, said it was "fantastic" to work with the 15-year-old in their second movie together, the sci-fi flick "After Earth", set to hit cinemas in June.
"Entertainment is our family business, so I am sure that if something comes up we'll do it again," Smith said at a red carpet fan meeting near the landmark Taipei 101 building, which was lit up with the movie's name.
"He (Jaden) is looking forward to a comedy, he's been having to do lots of drama for his career. Drama has kind of been his signature and he's been asking to find a comedy," Smith said.

Kiyo: It was a good pair in ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’; do you think they can do it again?

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