
Monday 27 May 2013

BBA Update: I won’t fall in love – Nigerian Contestant, Beverly

The subject of discussion was “will you fall in love with anyone in the house?” - Nigerian contestant, Beverly let loose of the reason as to why she would not do so in the house and to why she is lost trust in love.
“I was in a relationship with this guy and I was close to marrying, but I broke up with him just because after fighting with ma parents over him, and with my friends too; I found out that he had not a single feeling and neither did he love me at all so I had to break up with this guy,” she said.
“For this”, she added “after all that this guy did to me, every guy that I meet and seem to fall in love with or any one that tells me is in love with me; I can never take him serious because all I know is that you guy will be chasing something and on getting it then you are going to leave the morning after that.”

Serious issue right?

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